Know What All is Needed to Make a Cold Smoker

Grills With Smokers

Smoked food is one thing that almost everyone enjoys a lot. But for eating smoked food, it is often that you visit any restaurant or any eatery place so that you can purchase your favorite smoked food and enjoy it with your family and friends.

Bit to your surprise, it can be done at your own place. This is possible only when you make your own cold smoker and then use it to smoke the food that you love. It might seem to a difficult task, but it is not so. Making the cold smoker can be done in some simple steps and by collecting some stuff.

Whatever you need is mentioned ahead in the write-up. You only need to collect the things and start making your own cold smoker in order to smoke food for your family and friends. The first and foremost thing that you require is a large cardboard box (preferably in a rectangular shape), either you can purchase some wood and make a wooden box too. You will also need to cut the flaps off at one end of the box so that you can pick it up and place it over your smoke source and whatever you are smoking.

In fact, ventilation holes also play an important role as having the holes on the upper side will force the smoke to get out from the hole. This is important because creating a consistent flow of new clean smoke all the time is must.

Another thing that you will require is a wire rack to place, stainless steel mesh is preferable. You can use a soldering iron as a smoke source. But one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that it should be brand new and should not be used before not even once. This is how you create your own cold smoker.

But to smoke food, it is advisable to do so in an open area i.e. a well ventilated area. You can easily and patiently smoke cheese and salmon fish within half an hour or one hour. For beef jerky it may require some four hours to get fully smoked at apt temperature.

So, by creating your own cold smoker you can start preparing smoked food at your own place without wasting much of time and money at several expensive restaurants to eat smoked food.

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